Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Whole New World

When creating a fantasy world, you have to know who your "good guys" are. You have to explain to your reader why they are the good guys and your bad guys are bad guys. I'm finding G.G. society has to be somewhat idyllic, but not unbelievably Utopian. You want your reader to want to live there on some level. Some parallels and a touch of reality makes a connection between what the reader knows and what you tell them. As a writer, I have to understand that a crime free world probably came from an extreme disciplinarian mindset. It's core social evolution things like that which determine the flow of classes and religion. I'm don't think I have to explain the full history, but I do need to know what it is to reflect the mood.

My society is classless so far. The religion is basic and sparsely mentioned in the form of traditions. Genders have equality. "Protect the men!" is just as likely as a cry as for the women and children. While parental responsibility is big, being a biological parent is not. To write a society, I have to decide what these people strive for, what they hope to earn in their lifetimes, and to achieve their end.

In short, in your created world, who are your hero's heroes?

I know who they are in my story. If I did my job right, then the reader will know who I am talking about. If I'm really lucky, I will change an ideal or two-
One can only hope.

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