Friday, August 20, 2010

Phonetically speaking

I noticed this morning something about the character names I created for my book.
There are essentially 3 generations. The wise sages, the main characters(let's say mid-teen to 40ish), and the very young children.
Those in the eldest have names that sound distinctly different than other names.
Of the mean age group characters- The women have primary vowel sounds, specifically long E and short I. (the two are indeed similar)
The men all have double consonants at the exact center of their name. This is more a fact of spelling than sound.
The youngest have short A common.

An interesting subconscious trend-

1 comment:

  1. When I chose my characters, I thought about the people I knew. When a core element of a freind matched a core element of a character I was writing, I used syllables from their first, middle, last, and nick names- rearranging then until a character's name sounded right.
