Thursday, August 19, 2010

Refining words

It is not enough for me to simply say I am a writer. That is so broad a definition. It's like saying "I am water"- are you a gentle rain, a pond, a waterfall, a river? There are too many ways to be to limit explaining yourself. A writer is someone who can place words on paper, like a ToDo or grocery list. I write all day on scraps with what ever bit of knowledge I need in 5 minutes or 5 days. I write here. I write more private things there. I add to things and take away lines to poems no one will likely ever read. On paper, on line, on my hand, with chalk in the driveway - "Writer" is not clear enough for me.

I am a story teller of dream-like tales
I am a poet
I am a witness of places I visit.
I am a teacher from far away.
I need to know what hat I am wearing or the words won't come.

When you are a writer, what kind of writer are you?

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