Sunday, August 15, 2010

Almost poetry

I laid down and cried today.
broken cars, broken window, broken tree

I had no answers, no solutions, and no plan to repair the imperfections in my life. My eyes burned with bitterness and my head ached while I listed off the reasons for my sorrows today. I am out of hope and faith. In a pause in the tears I prayed not for a bail out. I prayed- "Teach me to fish, so I can eat for more than one day"
I was deeply reassured by the words of an angel that it will be.
I cried again and felt happiness as a reflection off the drops of dispare.

Life is not strong unless it has something to reach for- My own words. My own tears a salty rain pouring in large circles around my garden self-

I have no answers, no solutions, and no plan. I have a ring of faith to reach for. Trust is the key to having an adventure-

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