Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Needing Pep

I'm having temporary discouragement. Other than the big bad world stuff, my application for another job has been rejected as well as my first attempt at a paid writing piece. It's the self pity moment of the new writer. I feel the same way when I think about how many books are in the library and who do I think I am believing my silly story is worthy of sharing shelf space? It's a nagging doubt that everybody has. You know you did at some point.
Just 5 more minutes to feel sorry for myself, then look at the review of my work and learn from it. But for the next 5 minutes, I'm not going to be so happy.


  1. Slept on it and ready to learn from my errors. And for once that feels like a really positive place to be. I'm stoked.

  2. Good awareness! It's hard to keep pushing (or to even continue starting), but being published doesn't make you a writer, writing does. Your only creative responsibility is to your self and your art. Define it, refine it, find yourself in the words and flow. And remember, all the BEST writers have been rejected at least 15 times! :D


  3. :-). They did tell me how to revise and resubmit. It's free education, it is. It was an already low point in the day, so I had a "one more straw" feel. I hear that Steven King's first book was rejected 76 times-
    So I only have 14 more to go? :-D
