Wednesday, August 11, 2010

my book

I'm taking a minute to plan where to go next. A list of the thought process:
I'm writing an hour or so in the morning for the time being. I'm having some difficulty in generating names. When it's hard I pout- do I really have to? Isn't it difficult for the reader? What if the pronunciation in their heads is not the same as mine? The new guy will be named 'Bob'. That's just easier on everyone.

In the afternoons, I have been listened to "Eldest". He, along with Tolkien, McAffrey, and dozen others have done it. Every fantasy writer has to for some degree. My story is a fantasy novel. It doesn't have magic and dragons, but it still is for a list of reasons-
I have generated a map of this place. I have created a religion, social structure, and code of ethics, not only for the main culture, but for an opposing force as well. I have created a sunrise unlike the one I see. Names would reasonably follow suit. If I'm worried about pronunciation, well that's why God made appendices.
I have realities as I understand them. There is civic planning and military tactics, schools, hospitals, farms and livestock. The research is there.

Something I knew, but finally understood clicked today. This is harder than it seems.
The technical aspects got in the way for the first few days. My verb tenses are all over the place. I have good sentences I keep moving around until I find the right spot. That's not my part write now. The designer of a universe is my job right now. I's and T's come later. That makes it easier. Sort of-

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