Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Real life education

Sometimes my replies on Facebook get long. I will be adding more to this. Right now I need breakfast-

Common sense doesn't mean as much as it used to. Common sense is taught in the home, while the broad spectrum to application is what is refined in schools. We SCAdians need to remember we are a rare exception to the general whole society rule. I had 5th graders at the museum that didn't know you could cook without a microwave. As American's evolution dumbs down, common sense disappears. We have lost the understanding that kick ball is an application of practical physics. Or that imagination is the source of innovation, not just macaroni art. Go play kid!!

I don't "qualify" for any jobs I want for lack of a piece of paper. I know what I know and what I am capable of doing and learning. My word is no longer enough and that makes me very very sad.

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