Monday, June 21, 2010

Feminine Voice Dare

* a message sent to many of us from a woodpecker with a cattle prod*

The Feminine Voice
Message to all women: write.

I've realized just today why I hate the term "women's history" or "women's studies." I have always felt that women are/were a part of ALL history, that we didn't have a separate history where we evolved in a bubble. Our lives should not be considered separate from that of men. Our lives are defined by our relationships to them and to each other. However, women came late to literacy, so that most ancient records portray the feminine voice as one of muted pluralism defined and described in most part by men. I don't want our voices quieted again, so I'm asking the women in my life to write. Write fiction, non-fiction, conversations, letters, journals, blogs, cookbooks, strategic battle plans, etc.

These are the keys to being heard by future generations. Tell your own stories. Please don't be quiet. make some noise, ladies. :D
I had always been proud of my writing until one English teacher told me it sucked. I kept much of my writing private, having become so self conscious of it. A poke from the right place at the right time can start the ball rolling. She plans to give us a subject and we have one week to create.
Let's see if I still got it....

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