Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Yard Work

The most important safety precaution you can have when studying a martial art is knowing, understanding, and respecting that it is meant to hurt and kill people.

Automation made the work more important than the man doing it. Mankind as a whole has never recovered from the blow.

Joining a group, esp. a church, because you are angry at another one and hoping it make you happy will lead to disappointment.

1 comment:

  1. Automation reduces the 'job well done' of a job. The trick is in finding that other thing that gives it. That's where doing something the old fashioned way comes in. This is going to turn into a blog topic in a sec here. Operators are more easily replaceable than practitioners. This line all started at the doctor's office and the computerized BP machine. I wondered is the tech would know how to go off book, how to do it by ear and thumb, or even if it would be allowable as trustworthy info. Made me a bit sad for the human race that human knowhow can be set below an object that become useless in a power outage.
